Test suite

Start: 4/21/2017, 7:54:43 PM
12 tests / 12 passed / 0 failed / 0 skipped
/Users/nils/develop/javascript/react-workshop/code/schritte/4-test/test/GreetingController.test.js (0.957s)
it should render greetings received from backendpassed in 0.008s
it should open detail view on button clickpassed in 0.019s
/Users/nils/develop/javascript/react-workshop/code/schritte/4-test/test/GreetingMaster.test.js (0.206s)
it should render table with all greetingspassed in 0.01s
on click callback should workpassed in 0.005s
/Users/nils/develop/javascript/react-workshop/code/schritte/4-test/test/GreetingDetail.test.js (0.472s)
it should render finepassed in 0.007s
onAdd should be called with values from formpassed in 0.017s
onAdd should be disabled and enabledpassed in 0.026s
clear should clear the formpassed in 0.005s
/Users/nils/develop/javascript/react-workshop/code/schritte/4-test/test/backend.test.js (0.087s)
loadFromServershould invoke success callback function if response is successfulpassed in 0.01s
loadFromServershould invoke failure callback function if server returns an error codepassed in 0.002s
saveToServershould return an id for new greetingpassed in 0.002s
saveToServershould invoke failure callback when call failspassed in 0.002s